Assisted Living Centers

Hospice services can be provided in a variety of settings, including assisted living centers. Companion Hospice will provide the same level of care, services and support regardless of where the patient resides.

We work with many assisted living centers and coordinate our services with the facility to meet the needs of the patient and family. Companion Hospice provides an extra level of support in facilities, working closely with facility staff. Sometimes, a patient may need more care as his or her condition declines. Companion Hospice can assist with planning and arranging for placement in a long-term care facility, obtaining 24-hour assistance, and providing respite care or inpatient care services as indicated. Hospice will continue to follow the patient in any level of care or residential setting, providing needed continuity of care and caregivers.

Long-term Care Facilities

Companion Hospice may also provide services to patients who reside in long-term care facilities. Nursing home patients facing a life limiting illness and their families also need assistance with pain and symptom management, end of life decision-making, comfort care and support. Nursing facilities are experts at providing daily care and support to their residents while hospice offers end of life care expertise.

Companion Hospice partners with several area facilities to provide hospice services to their residents. Hospice staff work closely with facility staff to meet the patients needs, coordinate care, keep the family informed and provide emotional and spiritual support to patients, families and facility staff. Hospice continues to cover any medications, equipments, supplies and hospice services. We do not duplicate the nursing home care, but rather enhance by offering additional sensitive and compassionate support at a difficult time.

Oklahoma Hospice & Pallative Care Assoication National Hospice & Pallative Care Organization National Association of Home Care & Hospice